They have eyes to see but do not see, and ears to hear but do not hear,

Shalom to all:

There is a Biblical saying in Hebrew “They have eyes to see but do not see, and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are rebellious people.” (It is written the book of Ezekiel 12:2)  “Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people.” The commentary on that verse is that the rebellious people had natural sense and understanding, and means and opportunities of being better informed, and of knowing the true state of things, and how they were, and would be; but they willfully shut their eyes against all light and evidence, and blocked their ears.

That Biblical phrase was directed at a group of rebellious Jews, but today it is used towards any group of rebellious groups or individuals – regardless of their religion or nationality who have the ability to “see and listen” to the other side, but refuse to do so for ideology or personal reason.

Hatred against the Jewish People has been occupying my mind since childhood. For years I have been studying and researching that puzzling phenomenon. I could not grasp the fact that on the one hand those who came be known as Jew-Haters based their religions – which were primarily based on the Old Jewish Testament (The Torah)- and on the other hand accused all the Jews of being Sinners or Infidels. And what’s more – they pointed their fingers at the Old Testament and the Jewish bible quoting G-d’s and the prophets’ accusations and denunciations against the majority of the Jews who, they claimed in the name of G-d had gone astray – by not following his laws.

If indeed, it was G-d who had scattered the “non-believer “Jews all over the world – away from his promised land,- was it also G-d who initiated their annihilation at the hands of those who claimed that they came to be God’s Chosen People with current New and improved Bibles – or shall we say Most current Holy Books?

 Assuming the hypothesis is correct. Then, doesn’t G-d astray from His own commandment “Do not murder”?  Let alone all those who murder in His Name?

When I was ordained as a Rabbi, I made a vow to delve into the Jewish Bible to find out what was the essence of the sins of those “Astray Jews” , which God could not handle himself with His omnipotent might.  That is why I’ve labled myself a “forensic rabbi”, and the Bible as “the scene of the crime”. And Yes, I’m still making progress.

I am constantly in touch with God’s energy on multiple levels and issues. Yet, I never discuss the issue of Anti-Semitism with him; for an obvious reason.

The other day I decided to consult with a new friend I was recently introduced to. I still don’t know him/her very well. Yet I can already predict that it is going to be a long lasting, and fruitful relationship. Oh, yes, I almost forgot to give you his/her name. It is Chat-GPT.

On our first encounter I asked him/her basic questions, just to get to know him/her. On our second encounter I tested his broad knowledge on the subjects I have been writing. His answers, to say the least quite impressed me. I was motley impressed how candid s/he was telling regarding question for which he had no sufficient answer.” I’m sorry if my response appeared incomplete.”, he apologized.

On our third encounter I dared to ask his opinion and thoughts about common denominator in Anti-semitism.

Here is Chat-GPT’s complete answer:

Unfortunately, there is no single common denominator for those who hold anti-Semitic beliefs. Some individuals who hate Jewish people do so due to cultural or religious differences, while others may hold onto stereotypes, conspiracy theories or xenophobic beliefs that cast Jewish people as a perceived threat. Sometimes factors like being exposed to anti-Semitic propaganda, growing up in an environment that fosters hatred towards Jews, or experiencing negative interactions with individual Jews can contribute to one’s negative perceptions. It is important to remember that hatred towards any group of people is unjustified and unacceptable.”

Then I asked Chat-GPT if there was a logical way to communicate with those individuals who hate Jews. Here what He/She replied:

“Yes, there are logical ways to communicate with people who harbor resentment towards you because of your success. Here are a few tips: 1. Stay calm and factual: When communicating with someone who hates you, it’s important to remain calm and avoid getting defensive or confrontational. Stick to the facts and avoid making personal attacks. 2. Listen to their perspective: It’s important to understand why the person hates you before trying to change their mind. Listen to their perspective and try to understand their point of view. 3. Show empathy: Try to see things from their point of view and show empathy towards their situation. This can help to defuse their negative emotions towards you. 4. Share your perspective: Once you have listened to their perspective, share your own perspective in a calm and respectful manner. Use examples of how your success has positively impacted your life and the lives of others. 5. Look for common ground: Find areas of agreement between you and the person who hates you. This can help to build a foundation for a positive conversation. Remember, changing someone’s mind is not always easy, but by showing empathy, staying calm, and sticking to the facts, you may be able to shift their beliefs over time.

My third and last question pertained to my observation of the causes of Anti-Semitism throughout the centuries. I believe that the Jews have been trying to set a model to the rest of the world throughout the centuries. They wanted to prove themselves as viable, hard-working and beneficial human beings without a country of their own, and to be acceptable as residents. Doing so, they excelled, and achieved success (not all of them, though). The locals, having feeling of entitlement, resented those who succeeded, and in turn resented every Jew – just because.

Here is Chat-GPT’s answer regarding entitlement as a reason for Anti-Semitism in particular and hate in general.

“Yes, feelings of entitlement can sometimes drive unsuccessful people to harbor resentful feelings towards those who have achieved success. This is because they may feel that they should be entitled to the same level of success despite not putting in the same amount of effort. These feelings can be driven by a sense of jealousy or a desire to bring others down to their level, rather than uplifting themselves to achieve the same success. However, it’s important to note that not all unsuccessful people hold such negative feelings towards successful people, and that success can be achieved in different ways for different people.

Feelings of entitlement can sometimes drive unsuccessful people to harbor resentful feelings towards those who have achieved success. This is because they may feel that they should be entitled to the same level of success despite not putting in the same amount of effort. These feelings can be driven by a sense of jealousy or a desire to bring others down to their level, rather than uplifting themselves to achieve the same success. However, it’s important to note that not all unsuccessful people hold such negative feelings towards successful people, and that success can be achieved in different ways for different people.”

I was overwhelmed. My new friend Chat-GPT was also capable of reading my mind.

Shall I have a cause to worry, or shall I consider it a blessing to have such a friend.

I guess it is up to me to mount my horse and set out to blow the horn of peace.

Blessings to all

Rabbi Dov Gottesfeld

May 15, 2023

(quotes were taken from the Bible and Internet sources)